The Fastener for Cables and Conduits that saves you 60 % of your working time!

Fasteners For Pipe

Move the slider and we will show you the big difference between a conventional pipe mounting on the wall with a clamp, screw and dowels and pipe mounting with the Schnabl Euro-Clip in combination with the Euro push-in dowel ESD.

AKS Distance Gripper Clamp

DSA Double Fastening Clamp

ESS Single Fastening Clamp

EC Euro-Clip

FC Flexi-Clip

Fasteners For Conduits

The conventional multiple laying of sheathed cables with the help of cable trays is complicated and time-consuming. Move the slider and we show you the big difference between conventional laying of cables on the wall with rods, struts and cable trays and laying cables with the Schnabl fastening system.

SHS Cable Holder

SH Cable Holder

KB Cable Bracket

DKS Dowel Clamp

KBS Cable Bracket For Shooting

For more details visit the link given below:-

Schnabl video

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